Gotcha using Office 365 / SharePoint REST API and ODATA Minimal Metadata

You’ve probably heard that in Office 365 / SharePoint Online, the REST API service now includes support for JSON light responses, meaning that you can vary the style of the ODATA response. Reading that post you’ll notice that the ‘shape’ of the response is also different when using the minimalmetadata or nometadata types; For example, when using … Continue reading Gotcha using Office 365 / SharePoint REST API and ODATA Minimal Metadata

Serving up JSON Data from a SharePoint Application Page Pseudo Service

Sometimes, the SharePoint JSOM is just too unwieldy. So on a recent project I needed to conjure up SharePoint group information, and for each of these groups also the users which are group members. I wanted this data in JSON format since I’m using knockoutjs for the UI and presentation. After taking a look at the JSON … Continue reading Serving up JSON Data from a SharePoint Application Page Pseudo Service

SharePoint: Developing with Client-side Technologies: jQuery, REST, SPServices and jsRender

Having recently been immersed in developing client-side functionality for a SharePoint 2007 project I thought I’d share some of the techniques and tools I’ve used in doing so. The functional requirements in this project are pretty standard CRUD operations; Collect data from the user and create new list items Display and modify existing data Display … Continue reading SharePoint: Developing with Client-side Technologies: jQuery, REST, SPServices and jsRender

SharePoint / MOSS, ScriptManager and Pagemethods

The project I’m working on right now involves prototyping data mining and analysis tools and integrating them into the SharePoint / MOSS environment. These applications have code behind of course and relatively complex visual features involving AJAX, AJAX Control Toolkit, Javascript and jQuery. During the process of migrating the first of these applications into SharePoint, I discovered that the … Continue reading SharePoint / MOSS, ScriptManager and Pagemethods